Thursday, July 16, 2009

Refurbishes video copies of moon landing

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin raise the American flag on the moon. The video compares existing footage with the partially restored video. The thumbnail image shows the new footage on the left and the old on the right.

Intechclan : Washington - With the help of Hollywood, the historic, grainy pictures of the first man on the moon does not seem better. NASA announced on Thursday the video again the 20th July 1969 Moonwalk again by the same company that has the movie "Casablanca." NASA loses moon video and after a period of three years of searching, the officers came to the conclusion that probably approved. Original video is grainy and ghostlike.

NASA and the restoration of a Hollywood film company took back the TV video of what the Apollo 11 beamed to Earth 40 years ago and the images look sharp. NASA points out that the video is not "new" - just a better quality.

"There is nothing that is created, nothing will," said NASA senior engineer Dick Nafzger, the project. Some new details on their sharpness. Originally Armstrong visor face was too diffuse to be seen. The video shows the viewer and a renewed reflection on them.

The $ 230,000 renovation effort is only three weeks in a month-long project, and only 40 percent of the work was done. But it shows the improvement in four fragments: Armstrong walk on the stairs, the image of the face visor, Buzz Aldrin walking on the stairs, the two astronauts read a plaque that remains on the moon, the planting of the flag on the moon.

The original video beamed to the earth in large rolls of tape for each 15 minutes of video, along with another 13 channels of live data from the moon. In the 1970s and 1980s, NASA had a shortage of the tapes and erased the tapes around 200,000 and reused. That is obviously what the famous moon footage.

Nafzger praised the work of his freshness back. The catering company, Lowry Digital in Burbank, California, also reformed "Star Wars" and James Bond films with "Casablanca."

The company noted that it is a film-pixel 10-times the moon video, which means that the moon footage, the confusing and time of the film more of a challenge, in a sense.

But video of the Moon is also three hours of continuous, not like the chopped films are, so that some of the work easier, says President Mike Lowry Inchalik.

Of all the video of the company has tried, he said: "This is by far the lowest quality."

This two-minute video montage shows highlights of the Apollo 11 moonwalk

This video shows Neil Armstrong climbing down the lunar module ladder to the lunar surface. The video compares existing footage with the partially restored video. The thumbnail image shows the new footage on the left and the old on the right.

This video shows Buzz Aldrin descending the lunar module ladder. The video compares existing footage with the partially restored video. The thumbnail image shows the new footage on the left and the old on the right.

Neil Armstrong reads a commemorative plaque affixed to the Apollo 11 lunar module. The video compares existing footage with the partially restored video. The thumbnail image shows the new footage on the left and the old on the right.

This montage video shows highlights from the Apollo 11 mission, from liftoff in Florida to departure from the moon.

The restoration has four video sources: CBS News original kinescopes of the National Archives, a video from Australia, with the transfer of the moon video monitor and a TV monitor.

Nafzger and Inchalik Both said they went to extremes to improve the video as conservatively as possible.: Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. - Intechclan


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